North America Nebula

20. August 2020 - Wichtrach, Bern
Version 1 (edited on 21. August 2020)

The North America Nebula was the first image taken with the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G VR II (200mm@f/4.5). Unfortunately, the lens creates a lot of aberration at f/2.8 that also extends quite far into the center of the image. At f/4.5 there is still aberration in the corners, but after cropping its barley noticeable. The iOptron SkyGuider Pro performed quite good, with only minimal elongated stars.

Exposure Time

  • 36 x 124 s ISO 1600 RGB
1 h 14 min 24 s


Center (RA, DEC) 313.9734, 43.6045
Size 9.277 × 6.320 deg
Radius 5.612 deg
Avg. Distance to Moon 116.78 deg
Avg. Moon phase
4.93 %

Objects in picture

North America Nebula Pelican Nebula IC 5068 NGC 7039 IC 5076 NGC 6997 NGC 7044 NGC 6989 NGC 7024 NGC 7026 NGC 7027 55Cyg 56Cyg 57Cyg 59Cyg 60Cyg 63Cyg Deneb IC 1363 IC 5067 NGC 6996 NGC 7011 νCyg ξCyg


  • Lightroom
  • PixInsight